The Journey To My Child Begins With The First Step

I am a single woman taking the journey to my child. What started out an international journey has lead me back to America by way of domestic adoption. Adopting from: USA - Stage in Process: Homestudy complete- State of Residence: California - Agency: Heartsent

Sunday, May 07, 2006

One Giant Step

So the journey began some years ago when I knew that I would forever build my family through adoption. Thus begins my story. I went for an Orientation on Saturay, April 29th. I instantly felt at ease. My first thought was that I would arrive at some hole in the wall that smelled back and was dirty. I arrived and there was just the opposite. It was bright and airy. The instructor (is that what she's called) was really nice and not fake nice, real nice. The toys for the children were all clean. They had a family there that had been home for 3 weeks with their little Guatemalan girl. It was nice to see the end product is possible. She looked like she was around 6 months. She was all smiles and played so great, she had adjusted really well. This was very encouraging. After that wonderful orientation I made an appointment with the Director/founder for the following Tuesday, May the 2nd and I was again completely impressed. (I'm not easily impressed either, I'm actually usually looking for something wrong so I can spout out...'see I told ya.') The Director was really nice and not at all pushy and she was very assuring as well. I needed that. I signed papers that day and finally feel like I am expecting. It still feels surreal. I feel like I'm completing an assignment. The paper chase is very easy and frustrating all at the same time. I was told I will most likely be completed in 9-10 months. I hope this is accurate. At first I thought it would easily taike a year or more, so 9 months seems almost too good to be true. On a different note I don't have health insurance (I let it lapse months ago and never paid to reinact it.) I am meeting with the insurance guy Tuesday and hopefully will have proof of insurance in less than a month. This is holding up a lot right now. Grrrr.


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